Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Robotech Episodes 13-18

by Nathan Stout (of AccordingToWhim.com)

I have just finished the book that covers these six episodes of the series. I decided to read first, then watch the show. Next time I will watch the show, read just that part of the book that the episode covers then read the corresponding comic. I figure that this will give me a selection of the 'best' way to experience Robotech in my year long Robotech-Bonanza! By the way, we just made it half way through the year (this last Sunday) so I better pick up steam! Click here if you need background on what the heck I am doing...

Episode #13 Blue Wind

The seat things that the bridge officer's have at their consoles always looked cool to me. I know it took extra effort to add that to the animation and I appreciate that.
Rick's neck at the escape de-briefing is suuuuupppppppeeeer long.
The officer's at the de-breifing are rat bastards!
Max and Rick are midgets compared to Ben.
During the ceremony the music the Robotech theme. Talk about busting down the 4th wall...
Although Khyron was a necessary plot device I never did care for him. It probably stems from the fact that I don't care for the battle scenes and that's pretty much what Khyron was all about.
When Rico, Konda, and Bron start floating they Konda looks totally different. It's like some other animators did this scene and they didn't know what the characters looked like.
Once again the Zentraedi shoot themselves in the foot and a near victory is stopped.
The splash down of the SDF-1 is probably the best the animation company could do for the day and age (and money). Wouldn't a remake of the series be awesome (like the new Space Battleship Yamato series)?

Episode #14 Gloval's Report

I will comment that there is a little bit of new animation in this episode. Mainly Gloval talking into his computer (which appears to me to be something like Dragon Dictation... man they were ahead of their time), and the other new bit is when Lisa comes in with coffee. Other than that it's all reused footage (some not seen in the American version) with re-recorded dialogue (which in some cases changes the context of the scene).
Episode #15 Homecoming
This episode wins the award for having the most densely packed story of any episode thus far (and probably to come). It's the story to Rick and Minmei's trip to Japan and Gloval and Lisa's trip to Alaska base.

The SDF-1 made it back to earth and people are partying like it's 1999... or something.

In Alaska while Lisa and Gloval are in the lift there is this strange bit of dialogue where they seems to talk over each other and nothing makes sense. If you watch it you will see what I am talking about.

Minmei is in FULL brat mode at this point. If people were on the fence about hating here this episode probably pushed them over.

Minmei's dad is a real punk too. I can see why she liked to hang out with her Aunt Lena and Uncle Max.

This is the fateful episode where Lynn Kyle shows his ugly mug. What a pain in the butt! I think Minmei and him were a perfect match and they should have just married... oops I'm getting ahead of myself.

In Alaska the UEG act like little babies and dismiss the SDF-1 as big trouble and nothing more. Just like any real government they hid the alien attack from the world and told everyone that the ship and all the people on the island are dead. This makes returning the people impossible. This is a great story element and really adds to the cool-factor of this show. I can't imagine how little kids viewed this episode but caters to the older viewer in a big way.

Chris and I watched this episode together so we could talk about it on one of our audio shows (According To Whim). We then went on to talk about an interesting story he had to relay about his job. Here is the audio show. If you want to hear more of our show check out page. We have been doing it for more than 10 years now!


Episode #16 Battlecry

During the intro the narrator says that Minmei's parents convince Kyle to go back with Minmei to look out for her, but if you remember it was Kyle's idea and her parents reluctantly agreed.

Kyle's mom shows more emotion than Minmei's at their child's return.

The scene where the Zentraedi spies break the glass and try to eat the display food is one of my favorites in the whole series. I don't know why it always stuck with me. It was probably because it was one of those moments where I realized that a cartoon about robots and war could have a story that's just as good as all the action.

Lisa's Kyle psychosis begins here, ugh.

Hey, there's Jason! We haven't seen him in forever! He hasn't grown in an inch in more than a year... must be space that stunted his growth.

When the fight in the White Dragon begins the tables all vanish! Oh, there they are again.

Right before the break Max asks if Kyle is real or is he (Max) crazy and Rick answers... 'yes'. WTF?

On Azonia's ship that person who tells her Khyron is heading to the SDF-1 sounds alot like a man!

Lisa's emotions for Rick are getting stronger... or it could be the Kyle psychosis.

Once again Destroids are being wiped out left and right.

For as cheesy the animation looks at times (the B team of animators) this episode is pretty good. It has drama and action in just the right measure.


Episode #17 Phantasm

This episode is just above Gloval's Report in tediousness. Where Gloval's Report is 95% reused footage Phantasm is somewhere around 70% but at least it has a different story behind the reused footage.

Rick has been injured after the battle in the last episode 'near bird island' (as the narrator points out).

The episode uses previous footage but as I said before it's not a retelling, the story is totally different (Rick's dreams).

Sammie's line of 'stupid' as opposed to 'lecher' fits better. I'm glad that's sorted.

I find it interesting that his whole psyche revolves around rescuing Minmei. As much as a throwaway episode this was the premise of what goes on in Rick's mind is interesting.

"I've been sorta wondering though... what's all this gonna cost me?" This is the best line of the episode.

There's not much you can nitpick 'reality' or 'continuity' wise since it's a dream (like when Max says he needs to switch back to Guardian but pulls down the B control).

The hospital beds in the SDF-1 are HUGE!

Chris and I like saying to each other "Yes Rick, only a dream."


Episode #18 Farwell Big Brother

Oh, the bed has shrunk back down a bit.

The nurses in the hospital wear really REALLY short skirts. I guess they figure it's good for the male patients. lol.

Lisa's visit to Rick's room was flat out rude. Lisa might be a little confused but that's no reason to be a jerk.

The present Roy gives Rick is only half wrapped. Talk about lazy!

The Minmei doll the spies steal isn't very big but it appears to grow in size once they smuggle it back on the Zentraedi ship.

Since males and females are forbidden to interact in the Zentraedi culture why do we always see them talking to eachother over the video screens?

Right before the forces engage each other there is a shot on the bridge of the SDF-1 on the Vanessa's display screen. You can see the SDF-1 'standing' on the ocean floor. I've never noticed that... cool.

Once again a female Zentraedi in Myria's group sounds like a man.

Ut oh, Rick's bed has grown again. Perhaps it knew Minmei was about to show up... he he he.

I like Rick's house slippers.

An enemy ship gaining  access to the city inside the SDF-1 is AWESOME. The panic and anxiety everyone experiences is cool.

Minmei's manager seems to be wearing house slippers too.

I have always wondered what the techs working Roy's Veritech saw in the cockpit. I wonder if they show it in Macross?

The point then Roy dies is a pivotal moment in the success and the legacy of Robotech. This sort of thing just didn't happen in cartoons and much has been written about it. Go research it if you don't believe me.

It's at this point in the series that Roboteh gets increasingly better and better. The story line start maturing even more and it really goes from being a 'battle the aliens' show to a war show about the people involved in it.


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